GD-Sync: Cross-platform multiplayer service tailored for Godot.

Advanced Godot Multiplayer Service

Integrate the GD-Sync Godot 4 plugin into your game for seamless access to our managed global server infrastructure, boasting features like interactive lobbies, matchmaking, and detailed player statistics to simplify your Godot multiplayer development process.

Godot Multiplayer Plugin in Action - Hosted on Managed Servers

Tailored for Godot 4

We're passionate game developers and proud members of the Godot community. Including multiplayer in our games has always been a challenge. Creating your own networking infrastructure is time consuming and can be extremely difficult. We've heard the same challenge from many others in the community, which is why we've decided to offer our full cross-platform multiplayer network infrastructure to everyone. With this service fully integrated in Godot 4 we hope to contribute to the growth of the ecosystem and allow more devs in the community to tap into the full potential of multiplayer games. We want our service to be very indie-friendly and work hard to offer the best service possible. At the same time we can provide virtually unlimited scalability for those whose multiplayer games gain a lot of traction.


GD-Sync includes an integrated set of custom features to make multiplayer development as smooth as possible. With the feedback of everyone using GD-Sync we continue to improve and add more features.

download [##3d7dae] Created with Sketch.

Integrated Godot 4 Plugin

Installed with just a few clicks in the Godot asset library.

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globe_network [#1294] Created with Sketch.

Global Server Network

Low latency gameplay wherever your players are.

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object_connection_round [#1090] Created with Sketch.

Lobbies & Matchmaking

Making it easy to create and join games.

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profile [#1335] Created with Sketch.

Server Statistics

Insights to monitor your game's performance.

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Multiplayer within a day

We've performed internal tests to see how long it would take to convert an existing project to include multiplayer using GD-Sync. Big thanks to GDQuest for the great RoboBlast TPS demo which we could use for this purpose. In the end it took less than 10 hours to convert the project to include multiplayer functionality. As creators of the plugin we can dream the code of course, so it's realistic it would need more time when you're new to it. Still a solid result since it meant the game was now accessible for everyone around the world. GD-Sync's global server network ensured low latency gameplay, during testing we've logged <40ms latency. Needless to say this depends a lot on: the game, player internet connection, and player <> server location.

Be aware that although our plugin eases some of the most difficult aspects, it doesn't make the inherent challenges of multiplayer development disappear. If you're inexperienced in this field, be prepared for a steep learning curve.

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